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Since 1999
Platform: SNES
Game: Final Fantasy 6
Reviewer: MrWooD
Final Fantasy 6, also known as Final Fantasy 3 in the
states, was the last of the Final Fantasy games to hit
the Super Nintendo. Did Squaresoft leave the Final
Fantasy series for the Super Nintendo on a high note?
Let's find out shall we?
Graphics - 10
Graphically, FF6 is one of the most beautiful games on
the Super Nintendo. Of course maybe it doesnt have the
graphical splendor of Donkey Kong Country but for a
2d-sprite based game the graphics just can't be matched.
The talents of Tetsuya Nomura and Yoshitaka Amano really
shine. The level of detail on the monsters is incredible.
Even though the characters are not 3d true to like
models, the SD(Super Deformed) 2d characters are just as
good if not better. The towns and castles are scaled true
to like making them come to life with lots of people to
interact with. The spell and esper effects are drop dead
gorgeous. Check out the Ultima spell if you aren't
convinced. As with all Squaresoft games, the graphics are
amazing and really do bring the story to life.
Sound - 10
From the famous Final Fantasy title chime, to the Kefka
symphony spectacular at the end, the music in this game
will make your ears thank you for purchasing this game.
The music has some the most memorable parts. Such as in
the Opera House when the traveling gambler swoops down
and saves the "opera singer" from the clutches
of an evil octopus, or when the noble knight defends his
castle with his life only to see his people die before
him because a madman has poisoned his will
remember every beat. The music creates suspense, keeps
you on your toes, and keeps the plot alive. If there
weren't any music in this game I would have to say that I
would not have rated this game as high as I did. I
usually don't care much for game music but in FF6's case
it was a very important contributing factor.
Gameplay - 10
The Gameplay. What can you say about Final Fantasy 6's
gameplay in a review that will do this game any justice?
I'll go ahead and say this now: Final Fantasy 6 is the
best RPG ever made. Period. There is no double in it's
superior gameplay. The battle system, if you played any
traditional Japanese RPG's, will be familiar to you.
Turn-based, with each person having a meter, and when
their meter is full you can issue a command for them to
do and they will do it. The Magic system uses the
traditional magic point sytem with each spell with
different amounts of MP used when cast. There is one new
addition to the magic system that is surely one of the
more innovative ideas yet. The Esper system. Espers are
magical "gods" that use huge amounts of MP that
can be summoned during battle. Most Espers use an attack
that will usually destroy your enemies in one hit, while
some, like phoenix, will cure or even restore party
members to life. Also, if you equip an esper, as you
fight you gain magic points. These magic points are then
totalled by the esper and the more magic points you get
the easier it is to learn that esper's spells. There is
much more to this game than the battle system however:
The enthralling story, a plot that has many twists and
turns, character development that is pure gold...the list
goes on. Even though the game has no main character, the
plot pretty much revolves around one thing: Restoring the
realm's honor and dignity to former glory. You, a young
woman, brainwashed by the empire, start out in a northern
tundra town called Narshe accompained by 2 of the empires
soldiers Wedge and Vicks. Your mission is to find out
information about an Esper trapped in ice in the Narshe
mountains. When you enter the town in your huge Magitek
armor, you are greeted by Narse resistance forces.
Obviously they don't want your company. Your party
quickly vanquishes the militia and you enter the mines.
Once you find the esper, your 2 soldier buddies are
vanquished by the esper's power, but for some reason you
are spared...and thats the beginning of a quest of
seeking out who you really are and ultimately putting a
stop to the empire's evil ways. Of course, since there is
no main character (16 playable characters total), once
you get more than 5 people, you don't have to worry about
Terra's story anymore. You can choose to follow any one
of the other plots if you like. In the end, they all come
together bounded by friendship for one dramatic and
almost tearful ending. Once you finally make it to the
end you'll be glad that you took the 40 hours (for first
timers) it took to beat this massive game.
Value - 10
This game is DEFINITELY worth every penny you have ever
saved in your life. Bottom Line: This game could drip
grape jelly and still be worth the money. You may be
suprised but I've kept this game since its release and by
god it's still the best game I've ever played. If you
have a SNES and you don't have this game: Shame on you!
Go to RIGHT NOW and order it! If you don't
even have a SNES: SHAME ON YOU! Goto right
now and order both a SNES and ff6! Trust me it's worth
Final Rating: 10 (out of 10)
This game is the best game ever made, on any platform, on
any system. The Graphics, Music, and Gameplay are
PERFECT. A MUST buy even if you don't know what RPG
stands for and you think Pokemon is a gay porn film.