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Since 1999
Platform: PSX
Game: Final Fantasy VIII
Reviewer: Richter
Hmmmm what do we have here? Squaresoft once agian gave us
a new game to their ever-growing Final Fantasy series.
But does this game live up to the hype that all other
people herald it as the greatest game in the world
or more importantly, is it worthy of being a Final
Fantasy game?
Graphics- 8
WHAT?! WHY ISNT IT A 10? Well because graphics
relate only to the in-game stuff, meaning not the CG
cinemas. Compared to FFVII, the characters in this are
pixelated (noticeably awful in Disc 1) almost to the
point where they are 2D. In fact I think the characters
are 2D because of the way the camera moves whenever you
cast a spell, it moves THE SAME DAMN WAY EVERY TIME!
Although I would f like to see the backgrounds be done in
real-time a la Dreamcast, then I would give it a second
thought. The REALLY ugly thing about the graphics is when
you get a close up of Squall. *shivers*
Sound- 6
Sound = not good. NO MAIN FINAL FANTASY THEME!! Nuff
Gameplay = 6
This game once again has a new magic system, the Junction
System. Although its innovative, it only allows the
person to have 32 spells each and it makes the game VERY
easy. Man I wish the Esper system was back. Anyways, it
gets very tedious trying to get 100 of every spell
Draw-Stock-Get Spell-Repeat. Hell, the only way you can
get Holy and Flare is if you do it this way. Sometimes a
creature doesnt even have the spell you need. The
Guardian Forces replace the summon creatures in this
game. This time those summons take forever to
cast, especially if you constantly cast it due to no MP
in the game and just want to see how many HP it will take
off. Plus they can die BOOM! but can brought back to life
using a GF Returner item. Speaking of items, you dont
even need to use those in the game. This game is very
much like an episode of Dawsons Creek, because the
characters in the game are all teenagers and talk in the
usuall teenager slang.
Value- 7
This game is only worth it due to the fact that its says
FINAL FANTASY on the cover. Nuff said.
Final Rating: 6 (out of 10)
This game is a disgrace to FF players everywhere. Go play
FFVII youll love it more. (MrWooD: You could just
play ff6 instead :P )