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Since 1999 RANTS (AGENTX)
Woodstock, what comes in mind when you think
WOODSTOCK? Some think of the great music played, the
harmony, a social gathering that was formed spontaneously
and without need for organization, and some how.. which
is astonishing by todays standards, it was a success. Do
you know why? Because it had a purpose and dedicated
people, yes these people formed Woodstock because they
had some greater purpose and they were committed. How
does this compare to Woodstock99? Compare? Woodstock99
totally contrasted everything THE Woodstock stood for.
First of all, Woodstock 99 was marketed and promoted up
the wazoo, every promoter had to be there, softdrink
makers, every possible vendor there. Plus the bands where
paid an insane amount of money, guess how much the bands
at Woodstock where paid? Nothing.. not in currency at
least, they received the satisfaction and joy of
performing and doing something meaningful and making a
difference. Bands like Redhot Chili Peppers where there,
guess what they got? MONEY! Yes money, that worthless
piece of paper that has the most value in society. I
doubt they gave a damn of what kind of impact they made
or what they did, the ones who think they had a purpose,
nope.. they just wanted to rehash the original Woodstock
and TRY to "relive" the phenomenon(sp?) that
was Woodstock.. and I did say phenomenon.. yes.. they are
unplanned... completely unexpected. |
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